Free Up Your Joints With These Golf Swing Tips

Free Up Your Joints With These Golf Swing Tips

Blog Breakdown:

  • The sharp, repetitive twisting motions required for the perfect golf swing can put a great deal of stress on your spine and joints.
  • By adjusting your stance and parts of your rotation, you may reduce your risk of developing stiff or painful joints.
  • In this blog, Golfstretch Therapies CEO Adam Swanson shares swing tips to help improve efficiency and take unnecessary stress off the body.

Before jumping into the “how” of this blog, I want to first address the “why;” I want to talk about why it’s important to implement some of the tips I’m about to provide. First and foremost, your back endures a great deal of stress every time you swing your golf club—there’s no denying that. If you swing your golf club in a poor, weak stance, the stress from your swing will undoubtedly cause health problems such as back, neck, and joint pain; limited range of motion; decreased mobility; reduced flexibility, and worst of all, a poor golf game.

There is some good news, though. Making changes to your stance can reduce your risk of developing some of the above-mentioned symptoms. As you continue to practice some of the posture changes I’m about to share with you, you will not only experience a better, more efficient swing, but you’ll also save your back from serious injury. Ready to free up your joints, reduce back pain, and improve your golf swing? Check out my tips below:

C-Posture = No Rotation

One of the first things I do before providing any kind of training advice is videotape my client’s golf swing to later evaluate and critique. This helps me analyze problem areas and come up with treatment-related solutions.More often that not, I see clients swing in a “c-posture.” Meaning, they’re standing with a severely hunched-over upper back. Unfortunately, this posture causes a number of problems in your swing because it locks up the thoracic spine and makes it difficult for you to rotate fully. To mitigate this, you’ll want to keep push your chest forward and pinch your shoulder blades together to help keep your back straight and flat. I demonstrate this position in the video below. Try it! You’ll begin to see your rotation and range of motion improve significantly.

S-Posture = Low Back Pain

Ahh yes, the “s-posture.” If you’ve ever had a lesson from a golf instructor, you may have heard the phrase “butt out and arms down” to describe the perfect stance. Although this is meant to accompany, “...while keeping your spine neutral,” we often subconsciously ignore the latter piece of advice. Sticking your butt out too far can cause your lower back to dip inward, causing too much flexion. This stance is easy to spot because your back will resemble a curvy “s” from the side. You’ll want to make some changes to you posture fast if you’re guilty of swinging like this because standing in an “s-posture” can be detrimental to the health and safety of your lower back.

Like I demonstrate in the video, one of the best ways to correct the “s-posture” is to imagine a perfectly flat back. If you have a long ruler or metal rod, try placing it along your spine to make sure your head, back, and butt are all touching it. There should be very little space between the stick and your lumbar spine, as you can see in the video. It’s also important you keep your core engaged and maintain a 30-degree tilt in your hips. The combination of these changes will help keep your rotation efficient, and ensure you’re not harming your lower back! Try those two tips and see what they can do for you! If you’re experiencing problems with your swing or pain that may be caused by your swing, call me to schedule an appointment today! It’s important a professional evaluates you to prevent long-term damage. Give me a call so we can work together to improve your golf game!

Golfstretch Therapies is a sports performance and rehabilitation center located in Scottsdale, Arizona. Utilizing a combination of therapies, the team at Golfstretch Therapies helps clients achieve their health and fitness goals. To learn more about golf fitness, stretch therapy, corrective exercise, and more, call 480-269-1119 to schedule a consultation today! We look forward to hearing from you!The advice and information contained in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace or counter a physician’s advice or judgment. Please always consult your physician before taking any advice learned here or in any other educational medical material.