Stir The Pot! Core Exercises To Support The Spine

Stir The Pot! Core Exercises To Support The Spine

Core exercises are an integral part of your workout routine. Working on your core strength is important - not just for a flat stomach, but also for balance and stability, and even to help support the spine and prevent injuries. In this day and age, more and more people are finding themselves sitting all day. In the mobile world we live in, we sit when we work, drive, eat - you name it! As a result, many people are finding themselves with back pain. An exercise known as “Stir The Pot” is all about strengthening the core. I highly recommend it to people suffering from low back pain and stiffness because the spine and pelvis stay neutral throughout the exercise. This exercise targets the anterior core and uses dynamic movement to increase stability in the core, but the spine, hips, and other areas as well.


  • Get an exercise ball (also called a stability ball) and place it in front of you.
  • Place your elbows and forearms about a shoulders-length apart onto the ball, put your feet behind you, tuck your toes, and rise up to a plank position.
  • Make small circles with your arms 10 times clockwise, and 10 more counter clockwise.


  • Make sure there is no motion from the rest of your body as you do the exercise.
  • Squeeze your quads, glutes, and core as tight as you can to maintain stability and keep your body from moving during the exercise.
  • Keep a straight back to avoid over extension of the spine.

I love this exercise because as you get stronger in your core and shoulders, you can challenge yourself by making the exercise harder. Once you get the hang of it, try modifying the exercise by gradually increasing the size of your circles or practicing endurance and increasing the amount of reps you do. Check out my video to see exactly how to “stir the pot” to exercise your core muscles. 


Golfstretch Therapies is a sports performance and rehabilitation center located in Scottsdale, Arizona. Utilizing a combination of therapies, the team at Golfstretch Therapies helps clients achieve their health and fitness goals. To learn more about golf fitness, stretch therapy, corrective exercise, and more, call 480-269-1119 to schedule a consultation today! We look forward to hearing from you!The advice and information contained in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace or counter a physician’s advice or judgment. Please always consult your physician before taking any advice learned here or in any other educational medical material.